1. Introduction
At Allenta we firmly believe that it is our values that should guide our behaviour. Rather than pursuing goals at any price, we want to do so guided by what we believe in. Allenta is committed to long-term relationships, both with the members of our company and with our business partners and customers. For this to be possible, ethical behaviour between all parties is essential. This code of conduct has been designed on the basis of the values that have been the foundation on which the company has been built, and is intended to be a guide to the behaviour expected of each of the people who make up Allenta.
2. Allenta's values
Allenta's values are those that guide our behaviour, and the basis on which we build our relationships.
1. Excellence in service
Through the in-depth technical expertise of our team, and a thorough study of the solutions we work with, we deepen our knowledge and combine it with methodologies that allow us to provide our clients with excellent service.
2. Commercial integrity
As an independent provider, we always offer the best solution to our customers. We only work with software solutions we truly believe in, and we never oversell.
3. Putting people first
People are what make organisations. At Allenta we look after the well-being of the people in our team, our customers, and our business partners. Convinced that before belonging to an organisation or fulfilling a specific role, each person has his or her own identity, we are committed to long-term harmonious relationships where all parties benefit.
3. Regulations
Allenta is committed to complying with the laws in force in the places where it operates, as well as with the regulations in force, and to respecting Human Rights.
4. Commitment to our people
Our objective is that each of the people who make up Allenta, find the right environment to develop professionally, and that they can also enjoy the process, under the conviction that a team made up of satisfied people will bring greater value to our company and our customers.
4.1. Open communication
Anyone at Allenta who has a concern, problem, improvement proposal or idea is invited to communicate it to their team leader or to Allenta's management. Our commitment is to always provide the space for communication, dealing with absolutely all issues, mediating in any conflict, and always seeking the best possible solution.
4.2. Commitment to investigate
We are committed to investigate any complaint or conflict raised by any of the people that make up Allenta, and to
We are committed to investigate any complaint or conflict raised by any of the people who make up Allenta, and to take the appropriate action in each case.
4.3. No Retaliation
No person will be harmed for exposing a conflict or reporting a violation of this Code of Conduct. Even in cases where a report is not appropriate, our commitment to open communication is to listen to and investigate any concerns raised, and it is essential that all individuals feel comfortable to raise their concerns.
4.4. Diversity, Respect and Tolerance
At Allenta we believe that the talent, attitude, experience and working capacity of our team members are the key factors for the development of our activity. We welcome and respect all people who meet the technical requirements of the positions, and our values, regardless of their ethnic origin, age, sex, gender identity, religion, political orientation or other beliefs. We promote tolerance and respect among our employees, customers, and business partners, and vehemently reject discrimination of any kind.
4.5. Equal opportunities
We are committed to providing equal opportunities for everyone at Allenta. Allenta's people will have the possibility to train, learn new technologies and/or work techniques that will allow them to grow professionally. When a position needs to be filled within the company, it will be advertised internally before external candidates are sought.
4.6. Fair remuneration
We are committed to seeking the greatest possible equity in the remuneration of the people who make up Allenta, in accordance with the possibilities of the company, market trends, and the individual contribution of each person. Our company is in the field of services related to Information Technologies, consultancy and consulting and software development. As these services are knowledge-based, we understand that two people in similar roles can offer very different individual contributions based on their experience, background and/or performance. Allenta seeks equity based on the individual contribution of each person, and not on the function occupied in the organisation.
4.7. Use of social networks
Allenta suggests prudence and good judgement when using the company name in social networks and/or informal communications. All use of the Allenta brand shall be carried out under the principles of good conduct and preserving the company's image. When Allenta personnel express opinions in public that may result in a conflict for the company, it is important to emphasise that these are made in a personal capacity, and not on behalf of the company. Disclosure of internal company information is expressly prohibited.
4.8. Conflicts of interest
A conflict of interest involves a person or entity having two competing relationships for the person's loyalty. The following is a non-exhaustive list of potential conflicts of interest:
- Performing work in a personal capacity on the same services offered by Allenta.
- Business relationships with suppliers or customers with whom you have a family, friendship or relationships with suppliers or customers with whom you are related, friends or romantically involved.
- Sentimental relationships between people in the company, when there is also a hierarchical relationship.
- Hiring a relative or friend.
Where there are potential conflicts of interest, these must be immediately disclosed to Allenta management for proper assessment.
4.9. Corporate Gift Policy
We believe that our customers, suppliers, and business partners should choose us based on merit, integrity, and the quality of our products and services. Allenta personnel will never offer gifts that could be misconstrued as intended to affect the impartiality of the recipient. It is permissible to give or receive gifts, provided that the following guidelines are met:
- That they are not intended to gain a commercial advantage.
- They are given in an appropriate context, and their cost is considered reasonable according to social norms and politeness.
- It is sometimes possible that the refusal of a gift may be seen as disrespectful by the giver, creating a greater problem than its acceptance. If in doubt, it is suggested that management be consulted.
5. Commitment to our customers
5.1. Customer-side positioning
When assessing a scenario, we will always position ourselves on the client's side, looking after the client's resources and interests as if they were our own. We are committed to honest advice, and not to offer unnecessary products for commercial purposes. We believe that technology does not have a value in itself, but must be put at the service of the client's objectives.
5.2. Best available solution
Allenta is committed to evaluate the customer's scenario and needs, and to find the best solution to meet the customer's expectations. The following is a non-exhaustive list of aspects to be considered when proposing a solution to the customer:
- Available technology.
- Scalability of the solution.
- Complexity of administration.
- Corporate support from the manufacturer.
- Implementation cost.
- Maintenance cost.
- Market trends.
- Previous experience.
Under no circumstances will we offer sub-optimal solutions based on profits or commissions offered to Allenta by our business partners or software manufacturers. We will only offer our customers products or services that we truly trust.
5.3. Right sizing
Allenta undertakes to make every effort to properly size the technological infrastructure needs, hardware, software and/or services necessary to implement the solutions required by the customer. Over-selling for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.
6. Commitment to our business partners
6.1. Mutual benefit
Allenta is committed to working in long-term relationships so that every business transaction has a mutual benefit for our company and our partners. When an opportunity arises, we will seek the deal that best benefits our company, our customers, and our partners, avoiding any abuse of a dominant position.
6.2. Adding value through our customers
Our customers rely on us because of our long track record of implementing and integrating large-scale software solutions in complex environments, coupled with our commercial integrity. For this reason, partners who come through us have a better chance of winning business. Because we only work with solutions we fully trust, these recommendations are made genuinely and for the benefit of all parties involved.
6.3. Value added through professional services
We are committed to in-depth research and ongoing training on our partners' products, enabling technical excellence in the implementation, maintenance and support of the associated products.
Through our professional services, we ensure that our customers see the full potential of our business partners' products, positioning them and generating long-term business.
6.4. Brand and image care
At Allenta, we will always look after the image of our business partners, their brand and associated products. We will never expose problems directly to customers without first giving our partners the option of resolving a conflict.
7. Anti-corruption policy
Allenta is committed to the fight against corruption, developing the principles set out in this Code of Ethics and extending its compliance to all employees of the company. Allenta rejects all forms of corruption by applying a zero tolerance approach to any breach of this policy. In order to prevent corruption, Allenta will conduct all its activities in accordance with the legislation in force in all areas of activity and in all countries in which it operates, in accordance with its spirit and purpose, and undertakes to:
- Not to influence the will or objectivity of persons outside the Company to obtain any benefit or advantage through the use of unethical practices and/or contrary to applicable law.
- Not to give, promise or offer, directly or indirectly, any property of value to any natural or legal person, in order to obtain undue advantage for the company.
- Do not allow any facilitation payments.
- Do not directly or indirectly fund or otherwise show support or endorsement, directly or indirectly, for any political party, its representatives or candidates.
- Do not use donations to cover up improper payments.
- Do not solicit or improperly receive commissions, payments or benefits from third parties in connection with or arising out of the company's operations.
- To pay special attention to those cases in which there are indications of lack of integrity of persons or entities with whom business is conducted, in order to ensure that Allenta establishes business relationships only with qualified and reputable persons and entities.
- To faithfully and appropriately reflect all company actions, operations and transactions in the company's books and records.
8. Channel for reporting
Any violation of this code of conduct must be reported for proper treatment. Complaints should be formalised by sending an e-mail to compliance@allenta.com.
9. Non-compliance with the Code of Conduct
Any situation of non-compliance with this code of conduct will be the subject of an investigation into the facts, which may result in:
- Education and reinforcement of the policy, in the case of minor acts of ignorance and without malicious intent.
- Warning or suspension in the case of minor intentional misconduct.
- Dissociation from the company in the case of serious misconduct.
The management of these situations will be carried out following the guidelines indicated in article 24 (Misconduct and sanctions) of the Agreement for consultancy and market research companies.