You can also contact us by calling one of the telephone numbers we have available from 9:00 to 19:00.
Send us your query
We are here to help you with any questions, doubts or queries you may have. Please complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our team is committed to providing personalised customer service, so please don't hesitate to contact us, thank you!
Here we are
Allenta has its main office in the beautiful city of A Coruña, in the northwest of Spain. Most of our work is carried out remotely from here, in permanent communication with our clients and partners. We have sales offices in Madrid and Barcelona to help you to contact us and to organise our meetings. You are cordially invited to visit us in A Coruña or to arrange a meeting in any of the other offices. In addition, video conferencing is a common tool to make everything more efficient and avoid traffic jams, flight delays and so on.
Head office and technical office
c/Enrique Mariñas 36, 2º - of. 8
15009 A Coruña, Spain
Call us and we will help you

A Coruña
Tel. +34 881 922 600
Fax. +34 981 913 825


Do you want to work with us? Send us your CV or apply for one of our current vacancies here.
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